Kohsuke YATOH (矢藤 康祐)
Kohsuke Yatoh is a software developer interested in programming and tests. He graduated the University of Tokyo and received a Master degree in 2015. He is currently working on software internationalization tools at Google Inc., Japan.
- 03/2015 M.Sc.,The University of Tokyo
Work Experience
- 04/2015- Google Inc., Japan, Software Enginner
- 09/2012-03/2015 UIEvolution K.K., Software Development Engineer
- 05/2009-08/2012 UIEvolution K.K., Programmer (Part-time)
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Kohsuke Yatoh, Kazunori Sakamoto, Fuyuki Ishikawa and Shinichi Honiden
Feedback-controlled Random Test Generation [PDF] [Materials]
International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2015), July 2015 - Kohsuke Yatoh, Kazunori Sakamoto, Fuyuki Ishikawa and Shinichi Honiden
ArbitCheck: a highly automated property-based testing tool for Java [PDF]
IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW 2014), March 2014
- 矢藤 康祐, 坂本 一憲, 本位田 真一
第17回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL2015), March 2015 - 矢藤 康祐, 坂本 一憲, 石川 冬樹, 本位田 真一
フィードバック指向ランダムテストを用いた QuickCheck の改良
第16回プログラミングおよびプログラミング言語ワークショップ (PPL2014), March 2014